Opened 2 years ago

Closed 6 months ago

#75 closed Emergency Repair (Complete)

Forks wont go up and down

Reported by: kari Owned by: Mikey
Priority: Critical Milestone:
Component: H19 CAT TH220B 2004 Version:
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Client: Client reported: no
Deadline: Difficulty: 1
Due_Date: Est Hours: 1
Go live date: Location: Outsourced
Priority Order: 1


Forks wont go up and down
Blackwater called out - electrical issue - got with CAT for Diagram
Recommend replacing Joystick

Christian feels it may be a pump because it stops working after it heats up

Change History (14)

comment:1 Changed 2 years ago by kathy

Location: ShopOutsourced

machine is at blackwater diesel
christian is going to speak to tech regarding machine

comment:2 Changed 2 years ago by ivy

ari spoke to thadeos on tues tech was supposed to call christian
Blackwater (727)916-1836 - 12425 us hwy 19 N., clearwater, fl 33764
prior week carly called and they needed a key to start machine but had key for a week
roger spoke to thadeus (8/26) replaced joystick and now there is power to the joystick
ivy talked to thadeus and was told to talk to him on monday (8/29) lunchtime to get full story
he will find out from david (mechanic who worked on machine yesterday am) off today.
Spoke to christian who said joystick always had power and was not the problem.
Red button on side of machine for hydraulics wasn't even discovered by mechanics

Last edited 2 years ago by ivy (previous) (diff)

comment:3 Changed 2 years ago by ivy

Ivy spoke to Thadeus on monday morniing 8/29 and asked him back for old controller as per Rogers text to me this am. Thadeus said they disposed the old controller. When I mentioned the controller was workinng as per christian, he said we accepted the quote. He also mentioned that solenoid needs to be replaced. I said that will be addressed with Roger. He said he was going to talk to tech and get "his story" and get back to me. Also asked if we wanted 2nd opinion with CAT. Ivy will follow up with Thadeus if she doesnt get a call back first.

Last edited 2 years ago by ivy (previous) (diff)

comment:4 Changed 2 years ago by ivy

Roger wants machine picked up ASAP. Does not want anything else done by Blackwater. Kari is contacting Tim the mechanic to ask when he can look at skidster. Ivy left message with Thadeus to have Travis call me.

Last edited 2 years ago by ivy (previous) (diff)

comment:5 Changed 2 years ago by ivy

while waiting for call back from travis spoke to Thadeus again, said we will be picking up machine today or tomorrow. Can we come to some sort of agreement to split cost of part (joystick) as there are different sides to this story.

comment:6 Changed 2 years ago by ivy

Ivy spoke to Travis (owner) he offered to check machine out himself, i said Roger wants it picked up ASAP. I negotiated price from $2,580 to $1,350. Travis said original piece was broken and fell apart, I said there was no way to know that as piece was disposed of by his mechanics.

Last edited 2 years ago by ivy (previous) (diff)

comment:7 Changed 2 years ago by ivy

Tim Price looked at the machine 8/30/2022
Boom will not go up.
Checked all other functions they are working
hooked up ET and checked for error codes none active
Swapped the boom hoses and pressed the boom down function to raise the boom up
Machine has a wire issue or bad phc controller on the control valve
Getting schematics to further trouble shoot

comment:8 Changed 2 years ago by ivy

Curtis with A1 Fleet is taking a look at machine
6520 85th Ave N
Pinellas park, FL 33781

comment:9 Changed 2 years ago by ivy

Owner: changed from Shop to Mikey
Status: newassigned

comment:10 Changed 2 years ago by kari

Mikey met with Curtis at Clearwater Shop.
Curtis needs machine brought to him.

comment:11 Changed 18 months ago by kari

Priority Order: 1

Even from National Equipment Dealers (Mechanic) 863-298-2305 looked at machine 5.30.23 - doenst beleive it is the phc controller - believes it may be the harness.
His office is looking for the schematics to confirm.

comment:12 Changed 16 months ago by kari

Ian spent time at Ringpower 7/24 will get with him on notes from visit.

comment:13 Changed 12 months ago by kari

CAT ran diagnostics on machine while at NED.
It is either the Harness or the MCU (Main Computer)
NED is quoting both repairs and we are not sure if we can narrow down farther

Placed a call to Charles with Ringpower to inquire

comment:14 Changed 6 months ago by kari

Resolution: Complete
Status: assignedclosed

SOLD Machine at Auction

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