

15:04 Ticket #98 (Green Dump Trailer - Tarp Handle Broke off) closed by kari
Complete: Trailer was taken to rents and installed handle.
15:02 Ticket #104 (Tilt trailer Hydraulics) closed by kari
Complete: Hydraulics fixed
15:01 Ticket #109 (Flute in fuel tank) created by Christian
H15 flute in fuel tank make be stuck or clogged when fuel level gets …


15:13 Ticket #108 (Flickering Lights in Front Room) created by carley
Called Mike Currie Electric, told them about lights situation and they …


15:49 Ticket #107 (Distribution pole relocated) created by kari
Requested Duke Energy come relocate the light pole on our property at …
15:38 Ticket #83 (Dumpster Pick up For 3307) closed by kari
Complete: Hired JD Parker and Sons


14:42 Ticket #106 (R56 Tarp Cylinder Leak) created by carley
Dj sent a message stating that the tarper is starting to leak, its not …
14:37 Ticket #105 (Lull needs a new Battery) created by carley
Dj sent a text letting us know the battery is going bad and needs replaced
13:54 Ticket #104 (Tilt trailer Hydraulics) created by Christian
Christian says the hydraulics are leaking on the tilt it wont stay up …
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